OL 5090 Biology P2 Topical | 2016-2024 | Iram Habib Malik


Series: O level Biology 5090 Topical Series
Paper: Paper 2 Theory Paper
Compiled By: Iram Habib Malik
Details: Topic-wise Questions with Mark Scheme
Years Range: from 2023 -2025 | All Variants
Paper Back:
Product Dimensions: 8.1 x 1.3 x 11.34 inches
Shipping Weight: 2kg
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Students Resource Airport Road Lahore, Pakistan

Previewlink: https://wp.studentsresource.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/O-Level-Biology-P2-2016-to-2023.pdf

Cambridge Syllabus Content for 2021-2022 Exams
Topic 1.1 Cell Structure & Function 5
Topic 1.2 Specialized Cells, Tissues & Organs _ __8
Topic 2.1 Concept and Use of a Classification System 9
Topic 2.2 Features of Organisms 13
Topic 3.1 Diffusion & Osmosis 30
Topic 3.2 Active Transport _ 35
Topic 4.1 Biological Molecules _ 37
Topic 5.1 Enzyme Action _ 39
Topic 5.2 Effects of Temperature & PH _ 45
Topic 6.1 Photosynthesis _ 48
Topic 6.2 Leaf Structure _ 55
Topic 6.3 Mineral Nutrition _ 61
Topic 7.1 Uptake & Transport of Water & Ions _ 67
Topic 7.2 Transpiration & Translocation _ 73
Topic 8.1 Diet _ 84
Topic 8.2 Human Digestive System _ 94
Topic 8.3 Absorption & Assimilation _ 113
Topic 9.1 Human Gas Exchange _ 119
Topic 10.1 Respiration _ 139
Topic 10.2 Aerobic respiration _ 141
Topic 10.3 Anaerobic Respiration _ 142
Topic 11.1 Circulatory System _ 148
Topic 11.2 Heart _ 150
Topic 11.3 Blood Vessels _ 161
Topic 11.4 Blood _ 169
Topic 12.1 Disease _ 172
Topic 12.2 Antibiotics _ 186
Topic 12.3 Immunity _ 187
Topic 13.1 Excretion _ 193
Topic 13.2 Urinary System _ 196
Topic 14.1 Mammalian Nervous System _ 201
Topic 14.2 Mammalian Sense Organs _ 211
Topic 14.3 Mammalian Hormones _ 218
Topic 14.4 Homeostasis _ 223
Topic 14.5 Temperature Control _ 224
Topic 15.1 Coordination & Response in Plants _ 229

Topic 16.1 Nuclear Division _ 234
Topic 16.2 Asexual & Sexual Reproduction _ 235
Topic 16.3 Sexual Reproduction in Plants _ 239
Topic 16.4 Sexual Reproduction in Humans _ 271
Topic 17.1 Variation _ 282
Topic 17.2 DNA _ 284
Topic 17.3 Inheritance _ 288
Topic 17.4 Selection _ 303
Topic 18.1 Biotechnology _ 310
Topic 18.2 Genetic Modification _ 324
Topic 19.1 Energy Flow _ 330
Topic 19.2 Nutrient Cycles _ 342
Topic 19.3 Ecosystems & Biodiversity _ 350
Topic 19.4 Effects of Humans on Ecosystems _ 356
Topic 19.5 Conservation _ 368
Mark Scheme 372

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OL 5090 Biology P2 Topical | 2016-2024 | Iram Habib Malik