IGCSE 0625 Physics P2 Topical | 2016-2023 | Shahzad Zia


Series: IGCSE Chemistry Topical
Author, Writer: SHAHZAD ZIA
Syllabus: Cambridge 2024-2026
Years: 2016 to Date
Code: 0625
Publisher: Students Resource; 3nd edition
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 1.2 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 2kg
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Previewlink: https://wp.studentsresource.net/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/IGCSE-Physics-P2-2016-to-2023.pdf

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1: Motion, Forces and Energy 1.1 Physical Quantities and Measurement Techniques
1.2 Motion
1.3 Mass and Weight
1.4 Density
1.5 Forces
1.5.1 Effect of Forces
1.5.2 Turning Effect of Forces
1.5.3 Centre of Gravity
1.6 Momentum
1.7 Energy, Work and Power
1.7.1 Energy
1.7.2 Work
1.7.3 Energy Resources
1.7.4 Power
1.8 Pressure
2: Thermal Physics 2.1 Kinetic Particle Model of Matter
2.1.1 States of Matter
2.1.2 Particle Model
2.1.3 Gases and the Absolute Scale Temperature
2.2 Thermal Properties and Temperature
2.2.1 Thermal Expansion of Solids, Liquids and Gases
2.2.2 Specific Heat Capacity
2.2.3 Melting, Boiling and Evaporation
2.3 Transfer of Thermal Energy
2.3.1 Conduction
2.3.2 Convection
2.3.3 Radiation
2.3.4 Consequences of Thermal Energy Transfer
3: Waves 3.1 General Properties of Waves
3.2 Light
3.2.1 Reflection of Light
3.2.2 Refraction of Light
3.2.3 Thin Lenses
3.2.4 Dispersion of Light
3.3 Electromagnetic Spectrum
3.4 Sound
4. Electricity and Magnetism 4.1 Simple Phenomena of Magnetism
4.2 Electrical Quantities
4.2.1 Electrical Charge
4.2.2 Electrical Current
4.2.3 Electromotive Force and Potential Difference
4.2.4 Resistance
4.2.5 Electrical Energy and Electrical Power
4.3 Electric Circuits
4.3.1 Circuit Diagrams and Circuit Components
4.3.2 Series and Parallel Circuits
4.3.3 Action and Use of Circuit Components
4.4 Electrical Safety
4.5 Electromagnetic Effects
4.5.1 Electromagnetic Induction
4.5.2 The A.C. Generator
4.5.3 Magnetic Effect of a Current
4.5.4 Forces on a Current Carrying Conductor
4.5.5 The D.C. Motor
4.5.6 The Transformer
5. Nuclear Physics 5.1 The Nuclear Model of the Atom
5.1.1 The Atom
5.1.2 The Nucleus
5.2 Radioactivity
5.2.1 Detection of Radioactivity
5.2.2 The Three Types of Emission
5.2.3 Radioactive Decay
5.2.4 Half-life
5.2.5 Safety Precautions
Answer Keys
6. Space Physics 6.1 Earth and The Solar System
6.1.2  The Solar System
6.2 Stars and The Universe
6.2.1 The Sun as a Star
6.2.2 Stars


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IGCSE 0625 Physics P2 Topical | 2016-2023 | Shahzad Zia